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Living a Soul life with Divine Will


連結神聖意志 轉化你的生命



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Becoming Your Soul 

Call upon Divine Will to unify your personality and soul. Your personality gains new powers and skills as it becomes infused with your soul's light.

Awakening Divine Love

Direct Divine Will into your heart center to experience more unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness, transparency, acceptance, and trust. Become radiant with Divine Love that makes all things whole and draws good things to you.

Strengthening Self-Love 

To live a soul life is to love and honor yourself. Appreciate your uniqueness, beauty, and strength. Take care of yourself and strengthen your feelings of self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-worth.

Transforming Your Emotions

Feel inner peace as you link with Divine Will to transform your emotions and radiate your soul's serenity.  Let go of pain, conflict, and drama; transform fears and doubts. Be transparent to the energies around you as you choose how you want to feel.

Illuminating Your Mind

Link with your soul's mind so you can release illusions and can see and know truth. Formulate clear thoughts about the issues in your life and gain greater clarity about your next steps and your higher choices in any situation.

Knowing Your Life Purpose

Have a greater awareness of why you are here and what you are here to do. Manifest your purpose, find your right livelihood, and bring out your hidden talents and skills. 

Increasing Abundance and Prosperity

It is in alignment with Divine Will that you have abundance and prosperity, so let Divine Will work through you as you open to the abundance of your soul and of the universe.

Program 8: Receiving Clear Inner Guidance

Link with Divine Will to become more aware of your inner guidance, to trust it, to interpret its meaning accurately, and to take right action. Recognize thoughts, dreams, and feelings that are guidance from your soul.

Program 9: Expanding Your Creativity

Express the creative intelligence of your soul.  Experience many new, original thoughts and fresh ideas. Create meaningful new forms, awaken hidden talents, and express your creativity in art, music, writing, and in everything you do.


Evolving Your Body

Create a body that reflects your soul's beauty and light - a refined, beautiful, and healthy body. Evolve your body with the power of Divine Will at a cellular and physical level. 

Creating a S
upportive Environment

Work with Divine Will to create your ideal environment that supports you in living a soul life. Live in a wonderful place, around supportive people, and in harmony with all life around you.

Living a Soul Life

Create a soul life of balance, peace, and joy, love and harmony, and clear, illumined thoughts. Draw in Divine Will to live in the moment, to embrace inner silence, to live in the rhythm of your soul.

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